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Kitten Update - One Month Old!

Kitten Update - One Month Old!

Our kittens have a foot fetish...

Yes, you did read that right, our kittens love feet. They like to bite, scratch and play with toes. If you sit down barefooted, they will be straight there nibbling.

Anyway, last Saturday they turned 4 weeks old and we have finally decided on their names! - Pebbles for the pretty tortoiseshell girl and Carlos for the beautiful black boy. What do you think?


If you are thinking why these names? Well, Carlos means 'Manly' in Spanish and who doesn't love irony? (you can tell he will grow up to be the wimpiest cat ever). As for the name Pebbles, the little tortoiseshell kitten is coloured the same as small smooth stones that you find on the beach...

.... ok, the real reason I chose these names is because they just came to my head and seemed to fit their little faces quite well!

(Although my family are still debating whether or not these should be their names- on the upside, this is better and safer, than debates about religion and politics…)

What else can the kittens do?

Errr not a lot... They are learning how to play, eat, hide in the weirdest of places and burrow into the sofa under the cushions. - I struggle with all of these things so they are doing pretty well. 

Oh and they have become models! Yep, I take photos of them and force them to be in selfies with me, this makes them models. If you have liked us on facebook or follow us on Instagram you will already know what I am talking about. They love it I swear... 

I wish I had more to report but as I don't I'm going to leave you with this video of Pebbles playing with the scratching post (just ignore the sounds of terrible TV in the background)...Enjoy!  x

September 08, 2016 by Sarah -
Tags: Kittens!
Two weeks old! - Kitten Update

Two weeks old! - Kitten Update

They opened their eyes!

The past two weeks have dragged by as we have not so patiently waited for the kittens to open their eyes.

If you are wondering what I am talking about, check out my International Cat Day blog post.

In short, one of my cats miraculously had kittens and now I am going to keep you updated on their progress as they go from balls of fluff to comical kitty cats.

So, two weeks in –

The kittens are still super tiny , feeble and are really trying their best to walk. Finally, they opened their eyes and like most kittens they are brilliantly blue. At this point, their heads are out of proportion with the rest of their body which I find a little bit amusing.

The most interesting thing they have done so far is claw at the side of their box which I of course filmed.

Fidget has really taken on the challenge of having twins. Every time we approach the kittens she will use her arm as a shield of protection. Yes, cats now have arms.

Fidget also thinks that Simba (our ridiculously stupid cat) is brighter than he truly is, she growls at him to protect her babies and he is just like 'errrr WHAT?!' looking very puzzled.

We haven’t come up with any decent names for the kittens yet. My family have suggested ‘Bubble’ and ‘Squeak’ because they make a lot of noise, but I refuse to let the kittens have the same name as leftover cabbage and potato.

If you have any ideas for names, please let me know!

Two Weeks Old! - Kitten Update

- I promise two kittens exist! The other one just knows how to hide from my camera. 

August 22, 2016 by Sarah -
Tags: Kittens!
Happy International Cat Day!

Happy International Cat Day!

It's International Cat Day so here is a post for the cat lovers out there...

I'm a ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ Why? I am a real cat enthusiast and I am not ashamed to admit it. I fill my friend's facebook feeds with pictures, videos and memes of cats and kittens. You should see the number of cat-related things I have pinned on Pinterest. Maybe I am a little obsessed, but who cares? Cats are awesome. - Just look at their tiny paws, noses, tails and the crazy things they do... How could they not melt your heart?

I am renowned for obtaining lost cats and keeping them when their previous home cannot be found.

In October 2014 I had a phone call, a family member had come across a black cat. She was tiny, thin and could barely lift her head. We immediately took her to the vets to see if she had been microchipped so we could return her to her family.

She wasn’t microchipped and they estimated she was around a year old. They took our details and we decided to foster her until her family was found. No one came forward so she became part of our family. 

We booked her into the vets to be spayed and vaccinated, dropped her off a few days later and thought nothing of it. However, whilst Fidget was there I received a call from a rather disgruntled vet who told me Fidget had a scar on her stomach that was likely to have been caused by the procedure already taking place. 

So yeah, we collected her and took her home.

3 months later...

The crazy meows, sticking her bum in the air and the constant need for attention. She was on heat.


We gave the vets a call and they said sometimes it can still appear as though a female cat is on heat even when they have been spayed. So we sighed with relief.

But then his happened on August 6th 2016:

 International Cat Day | One for the Cat Lovers

We had a feeling she might be pregnant because she started to get incredibly fat. However, we were never 100% certain because it took her over a year and a half to get pregnant and we were advised that she couldn't get pregnant in the first place.

I would say ‘jokes on them’ but I think the ‘joke’ is on us. Although, I am of course really excited as what cat lover doesn’t love KITTENS?!

We haven't yet chosen their names as we want to see what their personalities are like first. I will keep your updated as they start to develop.

In the meantime, check out this video I took of them. It is very short but you can already tell that they are going to be some needy little cats!


August 08, 2016 by Sarah -
Tags: Kittens!